
John 6 continued

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Doubt, it feels alive. It cannot hide alive. Who shall I be?

You crush the enemy underneath my feet. You are my sword and she the trouble linger.

Who shall I be?

I know who goes before me. I know who stands behind. The God of angel army is always by my side. The one who raised forever. He is a friend of mine.

The God of angel army is always. I keep it in your name for you your victory.

Who shall I be?

I know who goes before me. I know who stand behind. The God of angel army is always by my side.

Forever he is a friend of mine. The God of angel is always by my side.

Nothing all you hold your I and I faithful. You are faithful. You are faithful.

I know who goes before me. I know who stand behind. The God of angel, of me is always by my side. The one who rains forever. He is a friend of mine.

Look out.

He's always by my side. The God of angel, on me. He's always by my side.

A king close.

All the earth rejoice. All the earth rejoice. He wrap himself in light and darkness tries to hide it trembles at its voice. Trembles at its voice.

I got sing with me. How great I got. All will see. How great. How great I got.

Beginning every end. The God Jesus lion and lion and the lamb. How crazy above all name I pray.

My heart will see. How great I try.

Love you. I pray. I pray.

How great I got me.

How great I got.

How great it's our God. Sing with me. How great is our God and all see how great. How great is our goddamn mountain. I worship you.

I worship you. Are here working in this place. I worship you. I worship you.

You are way maker.

Miracle work promise. Keep light in the darkness. My God, that is who you are. You are here touching every heart. I worship you.

I worship you. I way make miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness. My God, that is who you are. You are way make miracle work promise. Keep light in the darkness.

My God, that is who you are. That is who you are. That is who you are. That is who you are. That is who you are.

That is who you are. You are way miracle work promise. Keep light in the darkness. My God, that is who you are. You are way make miracle work promise.

Keep light in the darkness. My God, that is who you are.

Even when I don't see in your work. Even when I don't feel in your working, never stop, never stop working. You never stop, never stop. Even when I don't see in your work. Even when I don't feel in your working.

You never stop, never stop working. You never stop, never stop working. Even when I don't see you working. Even when I don't feel it, you work it. You never stop, never stop working.

You never stop. You never stop working. Even when I don't see you working. Even when I don't feel you. Never stop, never stop working.

Never stop. You are way make miracle work. Promise keeper. Light in the darkness. My God.

That is who you are, that is who you are, that is who you are, that is who you are. That is who you are. That is who you are.

Father, we thank you for this time that we have together. Lord, thank you for all that you have given us and all that you have done. And thank you Father, for being our way maker. Miracle work on promise keeper. Lord, I pray that as we gather here tonight, that our hearts and our minds will be with you and focused on what your word has to proclaim to us tonight.

I pray, Father, that your spirit will guide our thoughts and teach us today. Lord, we know that the flesh cannot understand the things of the spirit, but only through your interpretation can we understand it. So would you be our interpreter tonight? That you would be glorified in what we hear tonight and what we do as a result? In Jesus name we pray.


Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to church of the Bible. As we begin, I do have a single announcement to make. This coming week, there will be no church services, so there will be nothing on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday as I will be in LA on a mission trip. So do join me this week, though, in prayer.

Let's pray that the work we go to LA to do will be fruitful, will be beneficial and will glorify God. Let's pray that people can be saved and hearts can be changed as a result of the trip that I will be taking. With that said, we're going to continue in John chapter six today. And as I was naming my message today, I named it John chapter six, part four. And I was pondering on that because we've spent, this will be the fourth week in John chapter six.

And I don't think I've ever spent so much time in a church setting on a single chapter. In fact, we're only 30 verses in. And as I was pondering that 30 verses out of 70, as I was pondering that, pondering just how impactful this chapter really is. And so it is my hope and prayer that each of you will find John chapter six in particular to be just as impactful to you as it was to me. With that said, I'd like to read verses 30 through 40 and then start digging into what the word says.

It begins, with, what sign? Then are you going to do that we may see and believe you. They asked, what are you going to perform? Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it is written. He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

Jesus said to them, truly, I tell you, Moses didn't give you the bread from heaven, but my father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. Then they said, sir, give us this bread always.

I am the bread of life. Jesus told them, no one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again. But as I told you, you see me and yet you do not believe. Everyone the father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me, I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

This is the will of him who sent me that I should lose none of those he has given me, but should raise them up on the last day. For this is the will of my father, that everyone who sees the son and believes in him will have eternal life. And I will raise him up on the last day.

So just a recap of last week. Jesus had gone to the other side of the lake, and the crowd that was there the night before he left followed him to the other side. They were seeking him. And he called them out on their worldly efforts. He said, why are you seeking that which would perish?

You should seek that which is imperishable. They told us to work for that which is the true bread, the everlasting bread. And we ended last week. He said to them, he said to them, don't work for the food that perishes, but the food that lasts for eternal life, which the son of man will give you. Because God the father has set his seal of approval on him.

And they said, what can we do to perform the works of God? And he said, this is the work of God that you believe in, the one whom he has sent. And now that catches us up to where we are today. So they're saying, now what are you going to do that we could see and believe. Have you ever read that?

And wanted to slap them across the find. I have no words for these people because we are a group of people who have never even seen Jesus. We've never seen him walk on water. We've never seen him multiply the bread for 5000. We've never seen him turn water to wine, or raise the dead, or give sight to the blind.

And these people have seen it time and time again since he has started his ministry. They saw the spirit descend upon him. They heard the voice from heaven of God. They saw him perform these great miracles. And despite all of that, they insist, what sign are you going to give so that we may see and believe in you?

Church, if you have to see God work in your life or. Let me back up. If you have seen God working in your life time and time and time again, so that today you have to say to him, God, I want to believe. But what sign or miracle are you going to do so that I can? You will never believe in him.

If you can look at the countless deeds and blessings and miracles and good things he has done, and not find it in your soul to believe in him right now, you will never believe in him.

Because whatever he does, you will find another explanation. Isn't that what our world does today? No matter what miracle happens, they find some explanation for it, to explain it away. But that's where these Jews are wrapped. They're to a point that despite everything they've seen, they are finding explanations.

We see in Luke, it's either chapter seven or chapter nine. We see Jesus cast out demons from a particular man. And he says to the demon, he says, what is your name? He says, we are legion, for we are many.

Without getting too political into that, another pastor pointed out the stark similarities between legion and our world today. We live in a world today that it's almost offensive to go out and use he or she, because everyone wants to be called we or they or them, and examine that to legion. When Christ casted out the demon, so what is your name? And he doesn't say, I am legion. Or he doesn't say, I am whatever his name is.

He says, we are legion, for we are many. And that just stood out to me. But the point I'm getting at, that was not why I went there. When Jesus casted out these demons, what did the Pharisees say? They didn't say, he is sent from God or he is anointed from God.

They said, look, he cast out demons by the power of Satan. That's what they said.

And then he gives a parable. But he tells us that a house or a kingdom divided cannot stand. Says, I can't be casting out by the power of Satan. For if the kingdom of Satan. Right.

If the house of Satan were divided against itself, it could not stand. But the Pharisees, upon seeing him be aside to the blind and raise the dead and cast out demons, says that he does it by the power of Satan.

So they are to a point they will never believe. In fact, at the end of this chapter, I'm going to just skip to the end, and I want to read. I'm just going to read a single verse. Verse 66. It says, from that moment, many of his disciples turned back and no longer accompanied him.

So I'm kind of jumping to the end of the chapter. But here at the midpoint of the chapter, they are asking him for signs and miracles amongst all of those he has already done. And by the end of the chapter, it says that they have turned back and no longer follow him.

And human nature has not changed. It hasn't. If you are at a point right now that despite all God has done, you can't find it in your soul to believe in him, then I caution you, because you might be at risk of being like these people, and we do not want that. I encourage you instead to look at all that he has done, everything that he has done. Look what they say to him.

They say, what miracle will you perform? Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness. Just as it is written. He gave them bread from heaven to eat. I find this interesting.

Looking back on history is not bad. I encourage looking back on history. If you're at a point where you really need that confident boost, it is not ill advised to look back on what God has done for you even further. If you're experiencing something brand new in life that you have never gone through, never experienced, never had to rely upon God. For it is not your advice to look back in history to someone you know or know of and see how God provided in a similar circumstance.

It's not your advice, but look what they're doing. Their blinders are on right here. This is not a particular situation in which they need that faith boost. But they are totally ignorant to everything that God has done and only point to what God has done in the past. What miracle will you perform?

God performed miracles in the past. He even gave them manna from heaven in the wilderness. What are you going to do? Look what Jesus says, verse 33. He says, truly, I tell you, Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my father gives you the true bread from heaven.

For the bread of God is the one that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. You notice Jesus knows what they're really saying. He doesn't say who. Or these Pharisees don't say who gave them the bread, but Jesus knows in their heart they're pointing to Moses. They believe Moses gave them the bread.

Moses brought them across the Red Sea. Moses gave them water in the desert. So Jesus needs to correct them right here. And he says, truly, I tell you, Moses did not give you that bread. What did Moses do?

Moses spoke what he heard from God. That's what Moses did. When God told Moses to lead them to the dead Sea, to the Red Sea, he led them to the Red Sea. When God told Moses to hold the staff up so that they could cross, he held the staff up. In fact, when it comes to the manna from heaven, though, this mystery bread, Moses did nothing at all.

Every morning, like clockwork, with the exception of Saturday, the manna was mysteriously on the ground. Every morning, Moses did nothing. Where did that come from?

It came from God.

But look what he says about the manna, right? Doesn't he? Says that Moses did not give you the bread from heaven. And there's a pause here, and he moves to today. But my father gives you the true bread from heaven.

So Jesus jumps roughly 1500 years in the wilderness. God did not send the bread from heaven, but today he has. Because the bread from heaven was not a physical substance. The bread from heaven was not some mystery bread that tasted like honey wafers. The bread from heaven was not something that if you gathered too much today, that it would be wormed over tomorrow.

But the bread of heaven is Jesus.

So let's examine. Let's break this apart real quick. He says, my father gives you. The reason this distinction is important is who gives us true bread from heaven? Who gives us Jesus?

The Father, the Father, right? God is three. We got Father, son and spirit.

The Father, specifically, Jesus, does not give us himself, but Jesus is that which is given for us. So it came from the Father. It's also said to be the true bread. It's described as true.

This is that bread which fully meets and perfectly satisfies all of the needs of man. There's no other bread that you can eat that will do this. And if you don't believe me, I encourage you. Try. Go find what bread you have in your cupboard.

It doesn't satisfy every need that you have. Go find a different bread. Try it. Because I can guarantee you it will never satisfy all of your needs. But the bread of Jesus will perfectly satisfy every need that you have.

And I encourage you to try that as well. Try it.

He will bless you, he will nourish you, he will satisfy you, he will bring you peace and comfort and eternal life.

In fact, as we're talking about bread, let's use bread in terms of, let's shift a little bit in terms of a substance that you eat as well, and more. Let's turn it into a means for a moment, because I want to point out that there is no means, no worldly means or wisdom that can ever do what Jesus does. And humanity is trying. Walt Disney right now is frozen so that his body will not decompose because he has a hope at some point in our future that human wisdom will find a way to revive him and bring him back.

How many people have been searching for that holy grail or that fountain of youth? That's not just a movie thing, that idea for Indiana Jones that didn't spring up out of thin air.

But for centuries, people have been searching for ways to extend our mortality or to end our mortality altogether. In fact, Shawnee and I are watching a tv series right now about that very principle where this is a futuristic society where they have found a way that when you die, they can upload your consciousness into a computer algorithm and you can continue to live on.

When we read about the true bread from heaven that can perfectly satisfy all the needs of man, the single greatest need of humanity is to live. It is that all other needs that we have support that one great need. Shelter, heating, air conditioning, food, clothing. Every need that we have is to support the need of life. And Jesus, he doesn't just fulfill the needs of life, but he gives us life itself.

So he feels the greatest need that we have. But the philosophies and wisdom and the scientific world community will never achieve this. No other name, be it a name of a person or a name of some method, methodology has the virtues in it needed to heal, to restore and to revive a sentence soul.

So Jesus is the true bread because he satisfies every part of the steep and complex problem of humanity. He's also described as the bread of God. It says that my father gives you the true bread from heaven, the bread of God, who is the one who comes down.

There's something interesting in that. What's interesting in that is as humanity, our greatest need is to live. But to truly live is to know God. And when our spirits come alive, we instantly have a hunger for God. And so Jesus does not just he satisfies our hunger for God.

But do you know God has a hunger for us, and jesus satisfies that hunger as well.

Jesus satisfies the hunger of the Father, because the Father was not just that we were separated from the Father, but the father was separated from us.

Jesus is the bread of God, for he restores that communion, that fellowship, and he fully satisfies the heart of God so that he no longer has to hunger for us.

Proverbs 822 through 30. He says that Yahweh created me, the first of his ways before his acts of old. From eternity, I was set up. From the first, from the beginning of the earth, when there were no depths, I was brought forth. When there were no springs of abound in water.

Before mountains had been shaked, before hills, I was brought forth. When he had not yet made earth and fields of the first dust of the world. When he established the heavens, there I was. When he drew a circle upon the face of the deep, when he made skies from above, when he founded fountains that beat, when he assigned his limits to the sea, that water shall not transgress his command. When he marked the foundations of the earth, I was beside him, a master workman.

I was delighting day by day, rejoicing before him, always rejoicing in the world of his earth. And my delight was with the children of humankind.

There was wisdom in what God did. Here we read about this wisdom in psalms, verses 22 through 31 is about the wisdom of God when he established the earth and when he established the oceans and the skies.

I just want to, you know, it's something, it's humbling to think about. The reason I'm slow now is it's humbling to think about the wisdom that the world that God has shaped, he shaped because he longs for us. He has a heart for us that can only be satisfied. In Jesus. It's also described as the bread of life.

He is the living and life giving bread. Living because. Is Jesus dead today? No, he's not. He is just as alive today as he was when he spoke these words.

So he's the living bread. But he is also life giving bread, because everyone who comes into personal contact with him by faith will receive eternal life. Which brings us to the purpose of this bread. But to give life unto the world is the purpose of the bread.

Jesus did not come to destroy. He did not come to kill. He did not come to judge or to condemn. But he came to give life. He came to save us.

At one point, jesus has dinner with a bunch of sinners, and the pharisees mock him. If he were a true prophet, he would know who it was with whom he sat and ate. He wouldn't let them touch him. Jesus said something. He said that the whole do not need a physician but the sick.

Who of us, when we are healthy and well, goes and seeks an ER doctor.

None of us, because the healthy need not the physician, but every one of us. When we're having a heart attack, or a stroke, or a major car accident, or we lost a leg, or any other number of symptoms, we will seek out the ER doctor because we are ill and we need him. Jesus did not come for the full, for those who are well, of which, by the way, there were none. But he didn't come for those. He didn't come for the self righteous, for those who thought they had all that they needed in Moses.

But he came for those who were perishing. He came as a physician to bring the dead to life.

Now, the world that we live in, our humanity has many things that are attractive. Our world has many useful things. We have many things that make our life better without Christ. Planes, cars, televisions, computers, none of them give life. Nothing that we have gives life.

So the world needs Christ. It needs his light and life.

Now there's a way that it's to be taken in verse 32 says, sorry, not 32. 35, he says, I am the bread of life. What's interesting, look at verse 31. They say, sir, give us this bread.

When they first hear his statement, God gives you bread that brings eternal life. And they say, well, give it to us, we want it.

What's interesting is we know this chapter ends with the majority of them no longer following him. So how do we go from we want this bread, give it to us to we're no longer going to follow you. It's because of this, verse 35, I am the bread of life. Jesus tore them, so he is the bread. There is no other means by which humanity may achieve life and step into the presence of the father except through Jesus Christ.

A lot of people tell me, well, who are you to say that?

Or they'll call you names, or they'll tell you that you're being arrogant. And there's another word that I cannot think of that they use when you say that something has to be one way, your way or no way. And it's fleed from me.

No, not a hypocrite, but they find it outright offensive that we would proclaim that Jesus is the one and only way into heaven.

Why do we find that so offensive as humans?

It's simple, because we want to do it our way. Our pride gets in the way we want to do it, our way. And it is offensive to be told your way doesn't work. It's offensive to be told you cannot do this and this and this and have that.

And they want you to believe, humanity wants you to believe that there are several different ways to achieve life and to achieve happiness.

They think that we're opinionated, but it's not that we're opinionated, but it's that we seek that which is true. And he says, I am the bread. So these are people who currently hate him, who are currently, as of John, chapter six, John, chapter five, seeking ways to murder him.

And here he is. He tells them, I'm the bread. You need me if you want to enter the kingdom.

So what happened between we want this bread and we're no longer following you, is they found out that it was Jesus in which they needed. And this reveals something about humanity. How many of us want life? All of us do. How many of us want to be healthy forever?

All of us do. How many of us, if we were told there was something we could eat that would give it to us, would want it? Every one of us. But how many of us, when we find out that substance which gives it to us is turning our lives over to our creator, still wanting to do that, almost none of us, because we want to live forever and live the way that we want to live at the same time. And we cannot have it both ways.

We cannot live as our own gods, as our own kings. Doing that. At the end of the book of judges, it says that in those days, there were no rulers over the land, and each did what was right in his own eyes. You can't live that way.

So here's what Jesus says. He says, no one can come to me, or no one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty. So it's to be taken. How do you eat this bread? You eat it by coming to him and by believing in him, by trusting in him.

This is how we partake of the bread. And then he says, but as I told you, you've seen me and yet you do not believe.

I stress every time we see this word believe in the Bible that it does not mean a mental ascent of someone or something.

The word believe in the Bible is not, well, I believe in Jesus, or I believe that he existed or that he was a man, but it is trust. The word believe in the Greek here does not translate to belief, but to trust. If we replace the word believe, with the correct meaning. He says, I've told you and you've seen me. You've seen the miracles, but you will not trust in me.

Everyone the father gives me will come to me. Isn't that a great promise right there? Every person who God has foreordained has elected into eternal life will come to Jesus. And the one who comes to me, he says, I will never cast out. What a wonderful promise.

There are people in Christianity and everyone knows that I don't count the cults as Christianity, but there are people within Christianity who believe you can lose your salvation. That I have a great friend who will be meeting me in less than two weeks. He lives in Maine and he'll be coming down in less than two weeks, and him and I are going to eat together, and him and I are opposites there. I believe in the security of salvation, and he believes that you can lose it today and gain it tomorrow.

What a horrible way to live. The gospel of Christ is a gospel of hope, is a gospel of love, of peace and security. John writes in his epistles, says, I write these things so that you will know Christ. And knowing Christ will know that you have salvation, not hope. So anytime I ask someone, where are you going when you die?

If they say, I think to heaven or I hope to heaven, I tell them, you probably don't yet know Jesus, because when you know Jesus, it's not a I think I'm going to go to heaven or I hope I'm going to go to heaven. But it's a I know I'm going to heaven because Jesus Christ died in my place and gave me his righteousness. But when you live with this belief that today you can lose your salvation and tomorrow you can regain it and then you can lose it again, you're on a roller coaster like this where right now you're doing good. And those chains, anyone who's been on a roller coaster that goes up high, you know those chains that grab and you got the quick, quick, right? You're climbing, you're climbing, you're climbing, you're doing good.

And then you get to the top and you plateau and all of a sudden something goes wrong and it's right down to the bottom and you feel like you lost your salvation and then you go up and then you get tired of it.

And many people give up that battle, but that is not the battle of salvation. He says that everyone who comes to me, I will never cast out.

He says, I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of the father who sent Christ says that I should lose none of those who he has given me, but should raise them up on the last day. What is the will of God? The will of God is that all people given to Christ should not be lost.

There's another scripture in John, chapter ten. We'll be there in a few weeks, but I want to read it tonight. 1028.

In John 1028, he says, I give to them eternal life and they will never perish. No one will snatch them from my hand. And my father who has given them to me is greater than all, and no one will snatch them out of the father's hand. I and the Father are one. I want you to read this verse tonight to really drive that point home that no one can lose their salvation.

Once you are in the hands of God, there is no way out. And that is comforting. It is comforting to know that once God has got me, I am safe and securely in his hands. And when he says that no man can take you out of my hand, he doesn't leave that open for the possibility that you can take yourself out. No man is all inclusive in his statement.

No one. There is nothing you can do to escape God once you have opened up and allowed him in. When you receive the adoption, you are God's forever. And I said adoption because that's what Romans tells us. We're in the book of Romans, and we'll actually see that in the cedar church.

We'll see that the next time we meet. But he says, whereby he has given us the spirit of adoption and our spirits cry out, Abba, Father, when you are saved, you are literally adopted into the family of God. And something cool about jewish law, in jewish law, you could disown your biological children, but you can never disown those whom you adopted. It wasn't possible. If you made the conscious choice to adopt someone into your family, you were never able to get rid of them.

They were legally your family until you all died. And the reason for that, everything we know about jewish law that God has handed down, he has handed down to points back to himself. That's where we would know that when he had adopted us into his family, there would be no way for us to be disowned by him.

I hope that you are hopeful that that gives you great courage and peace to know that. So he says this. He says that he will not lose any of those who had been given to him, but would raise them up on the last day a guarantee of the resurrection on that last day. For this is the will of the Father. That everyone who sees the Son and believes in him will have eternal life.

And I will raise him up on the last day.

I find this next verse interesting. Therefore, the Jews started grumbling about him because he said, I'm the bread that came down from heaven. The rest of this chapter we're going to finish tonight. The rest of this chapter goes back and forth about Jesus, reiterating who he is and why. But it ends with this.

It says that, therefore, verse 60. Therefore, when many of his disciples heard this, they said, the teaching is hard. Who can accept it? Immediately prior to verse 60, Jesus says that you have to eat his body and drink his blood for eternal life. And he does not mean in a literal, physical sense.

But his disciples heard this and they said, this is hard. Who can accept it? And Jesus says, I want to go back real quick because he's going to say something that we need contextually. Verse 44. He says, no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him.

And I will raise him up at the last day. So they said, this is hard. And he says, does this teaching offend you? Then what if you were to observe the Son of man ascending to where he was before? The spirit is the one who gives life.

The flesh does not help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some among you who don't believe.

He answers, this is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by the Father. From that moment on, many of his disciples turned back and no longer accompanied him. So Jesus said to the twelve, you don't want to go away too, do you? And Simon Peter answered. He said, lord, to whom will we go?

You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the holy one of God. Jesus said to them, didn't I choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil. And he was referring to Judas, Simon Scariot's son, one of the twelve, because he is going to betray him.

I want to focus on what Peter said. He said, to whom will we go? To whom will we go? The flesh. Jesus does not help.

If you are seeking. If you're out there and you are seeking to extend your life or get rid of your morality altogether, there is only one way to achieve this, and that is through Jesus Christ. That the flesh doesn't help your works, your deeds, human wisdom, our science, our equipment. It does not and will not ever be of any use or assistance to us in this, but only that which is spiritual. And to whom will we go but to Jesus Christ?

So if you're listening to this today and you want eternal life, you want to be fed, you want to know that you have these things, then I encourage you to look to no other place than to Jesus Christ. It begins with admitting that you are a sinner, that you cannot say yourself, that your ways are not God's ways and his are not yours. With believing that Jesus Christ stepped into creation, that he came here to trade places with us, that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day to believe that he is the bread of life, and then to confess him as your lord and savior. Remember what happened in this chapter between them saying, give us this bread, and them walking away from him, but that he told them, I'm the bread of life. It's me that you need.

If you want eternal life, if you want the forgiveness of your sins, it does require that you give up yourself. You deny yourself and you confess Jesus. You take your crown off and you bow to him. And if you're ready to do this, then here in our closing prayer, if you have done this, if you are right now admitting your state and believing in Jesus and Trusting in him, then I'd like to help you verbalize that to him in our closing prayer, immediately after we will partake of communion. So please stick around to join us in the Lord's supper.

And for those who are ready to give their life to Christ, please follow with me in our closing prayer. Father, I admit that I am a sinner. I admit that I cannot save myself. I admit that none of our wisdom or technology will ever give me what it is that I see, but that I can find it in you. And so I believe that you, Lord Jesus, are the bread of life, who stepped into creation, who descended from heaven here, that you died to trade places of someone such as.

And that you rose again. And I confess you, Lord Jesus, as my God and king, to deny myself and pick up my own cross and follow after you. And I ask you into my heart, I ask you for your gift, for your eternal life, for your promises of peace and comfort.

And I thank you for all these things. Father, I pray for everyone who might hear your word, that you would draw them to you. Your word says that no one can come to you, but that you first do them. So. Father, I pray that everyone who hears your words from us, that you will draw them to you, to yourself.

So that they could be saved. They could partake of this bread and that your holy name will be glorified. We love you, and in Jesus, amen.