John 5, Part 2

The pardon of Christ

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Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to Church of the Bible. It's a blessing to be here, to worship with everybody and to speak God's word into the hearts and minds of everyone here.

Looks like our image slide. Things are having some issues, so I apologize, but some announcements as we begin. We will be doing Daniel, chapter five, I believe. Yes, Daniel. Five Wednesday at 06:30 P.m..

Right here in Zoom. And then I want everyone to just be mindful as we progress into the weekend and early next week about all of the major storms, floods, fires that are going on around our nation with Hurricane Hillary. Should have already hit the coast of California just a couple of hours ago. When I was looking at the map, it said by 06:00 p.m.. That it should have hit Southern California.

So I expect Southern Cali right now to be under some water and severe weather. We have everything going on in Hawaii with that wildfire. Vegas is supposed to get slammed, and we've had flooding here in Utah, and there's a major wildfire in Washington right now. So a lot going on just for everyone to be mindful of and be praying for. And then one other thing to be praying for.

As I share some stats with everybody that I was working on before church started, I was given this worksheet that not everyone's through this camera is going to be able to see well. But I was given this worksheet by another pastor and asked to fill it out. And there's a question at the top. It says, what is your big vision for the next three years? What has God laid on your heart for the area in which you are laboring in as well as identifying your area?

And just so you know, our area, our goal as Church of the Bible is to reach southern Utah for our local congregation. And so that's not just Milford and Cedar, but that's Hurricane St. George, Garfield County, Kane County. And here is the vision that I've got right now. I would like to see three years from now that there are groups just like ours meeting in every city and town in southern Utah with people professing Christ and being baptized weekly.

And that is not something that I can do on my own. Southern Utah is way too big for that. And that's not something that even just those of us here will be able to do. This is something that God will have to do as we go out, and we're faithful to obey and he brings people in. So I had some numbers I wanted everyone to have just so you could realize the true need in southern Utah.

And I know there's people here, not in southern Utah. I hope these numbers will open your eyes, too, because there's a lot of areas in the US. Just like this in southern Utah that is count. And let me grab these here so I can tell you this is Count in Washington County, Iron County, Beaver County, Paiute County, Wayne County, Garfield County, Kane County and San Juan County. There are 290,699 people in southern Utah.

291,000 we'll round up. But what's astounding is when I'm looking at the statistics at how many people are Christian, are followers of Jesus Christ there are only or only let me tell you how many there are not. That's an easier number. There are 284,303 people in southern Utah right now who if they were to die today they would perish in hell.

Yeah. In all of southern Utah there are only 6000 people who are saved.

That's astonishing. And I share these numbers because I think as Christians all of us know there's a need to share the gospel. All of us know there's an urgency but I don't think most of us realize just how big that need is in all of southern Utah, southern Utah makes up half of the state. There are only 7000 people saved and if we all died today 284,303 of us would perish in hell. And so I share these because I want everyone to realize that this gospel we have, that we preach, that we share, it's not just needed, it's urgently needed.

And there in our areas are hundreds of thousands of people who are perishing.

To put into perspective how many saved Christians we need just sharing the gospel weekly to reach this number of people we need 28,000 workers in our harvest.

There's not even 7000 of us saved and out of the 7000 of us there is only a handful of us out there in the harvest. So I would encourage everyone to be praying, pray that God will begin working here. Mightily pray that God is going to send us workers and he doesn't have to send us workers from outside of the state. It could be workers from right here in southern Utah who are already Christian. As people get saved they want to come and help and they want to work and it could even be external.

But let's be praying for a big movement to begin happening in southern Utah that as we see in the book of Acts, remember how they described what the disciples of Jesus were doing? They said that they were turning the world upside down. And so now it's time to see southern Utah turned upside down where thousands and thousands of people come to Jesus Christ. That is for the next three years going to be the focus of church of the Bible is seeing southern Utah turned upside down so that there is no place left where the gospel of Christ has not been heard. With that said let's pray and let's turn the time over to worship and then when we get back we will be in John chapter five.

We'll be picking up today in verse 19 and ideally be going through verse 29. So let's pray. And I'll see you all here in a minute. Father, I thank you for this beautiful day, for the cooler temperature, for the moisture that you have brought us. And Lord, for everyone who is here.

And Father, as we pour through numbers, I also thank you for all 7000 Christians in southern Utah who have professed you and who are saved because of you. Thank you for each and every one of them. Father, I pray right now for the people of California and Nevada who are going to get hit by Hurricane Hillary. And Father, I pray that you will bring safety, protection, aid where it is needed. Father, I pray for those on the Hawaii island who are being wiped out in wildfires.

Father, I pray for you to cause these things to cease. And I pray that you will begin bringing in aid ASAP. Lord, help these people get back on their feet, recover from what has happened. Help the families who are grieving losses to grieve and have your peace to be with them. And Father, I pray for those in Washington State who are also suffering wildfires right now and then everywhere else in our nation as well, where there are natural disasters occurring.

Lord, would you reign sovereign over those? And would you bring safety and protection to the people in the paths of these storms? But we also thank you at the same time for the water that you are bringing to us. Father, I pray for the 284,303 people in southern Utah who are lost right now. And, Lord, I pray that you would begin sending people to each and every one of them, Lord, that you would prepare their hearts.

That you would prepare the harvest here in southern Utah, that your name would be glorified and that when people look here that all they could do is proclaim that you have turned southern Utah upside down. Father, would you turn our hearts and minds to you now in this hour? Let us worship you from our hearts, and let our hearts and our minds and ears be open to what your spirit says today. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

One day when heaven was filled with his praise one day when sin was as black as could be jesus came forth to be born of a virgin. He dwelt among men. My example, is he? One day they led him up Calvary's mountain. One day they made him to die on a tree suffering, anguish, despised and rejected bearing our sins.

My redeemer is here. The hands and heal nations stretched out on a tree and took the nails for me. Living he loved me. Dying, he saved me. Bury.

He carried my sins far away. Rising, he justified breathing forever. One day he's coming. Overlook. overlooke.

One day the grave feel him no longer. One day the stone roll away from the door. Then he arose over death. He had conquered. Now is ascended, my lord ever more.

Death could not hold him. The grave could not keep him arising again. Living, he loved me, dying he saved me carry he carried my sin far away rising he justified freely forever and one day he's coming over glory over glory I say glory one day the trumpet will sound for his time one day the sky with his glory shine wonderful day might be love bringing my savior Jesus is mine. Living, he loved me. Dying, he saved me.

Buried, he carried my sins far away. Rising, he justified breathing forever. And one day he's coming over glory over glory I stay glorious day over glory I stay close you he's our rescuer he's our rescue we are free from sin forever oh, how sweet it sound oh, how great about we'll raise the Lord I'll rescue there is good news for the captive good news for the shame there is good news for the world who walked away there is good news for the doubter the one religion failed for the good Lord has come seek and save he's our rescuer he's our rescue we are free from forever oh how sweet it sound oh how great we will praise the rescue his beauty for the blind man riches for the poor he is friendship for the word the world ignores he is last year for the weary rest for those who strive all the Good Lord is the way the truth alive yet the good Lord is the way, the truth alive. He's our rescue he's our rescue we are free from forever oh, how sweet and sound oh, how great about we will raise the Lord I'll come and be chainless come and be fearless come to the foot of Calvary there is redemption for every AFL here at the foot of Cal we are forever we are free about we will bring don't pray the Lord Sam down into darkness open my eyes let me see beauty that night is high I don't you hope all I spend with you and here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down.

Here I am to say that you're my God, you're all together love me all together worthy all together wonderful to me I never know how much you come to see my sin I won't let go I never know how much it comes you see my know how much it know how jam amen. Today we're going to continue in John, chapter five. We did verses one through 18 last week. I have planned this week, verses 19 through 29. If we get further, we get further.

But if not, the next week we'll finish off with John, chapter five, verses 30 through 47. But last week, I just want to remind everyone kind of where we had left off. There was this man who had been paralyzed for 37, 38 years. And Jesus healed this man on the Sabbath day. And upon healing this guy on the Sabbath, the Pharisees from that point forward began seeking Him to kill Him.

And it says not only because he did this work on the Sabbath, but also because he claimed that God the Father was His Father. So this week we're going to pick up we're still in that same conversation where Jesus is talking to the Pharisees and we'll begin to see his authority as well as his pardon today. Let's begin with verses 19 through 23. So Jesus answered and said to them, truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing from Himself except what he sees the Father doing. For whatever that One does these things, also the Son does likewise.

For the father loves the son and shows him everything that he himself is doing. And greater works than these he will show Him so that you will be astonished. For just as the Father raises the dead, makes them alive, thus also the Son makes alive whoever he wishes. For the Father does not judge anyone, but is given all judgment to the Son in order that all people will honor the Son just as they honor the Father. The One who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.

Okay, so first we see something here about the power of Jesus. He says in verse 19, he says that I do nothing of myself, but only what I see the Father doing. And I find this interesting. Christ is God. Christ certainly could do what he wanted of his own power and authority.

Being of it, he sets a true example for us. He relies upon God for help and strength.

Do you know Jesus spent more time praying than any other man? Right? God Himself spent more time praying than anyone else. As we read the Gospels, he's constantly says he's out on the mountainside, as is his custom, praying. Sometimes he will go and he'll pray for multiple days on end.

He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane the night that he was arrested. He's always been praying. He has always been seeking the Father for his advice, for his guidance, his help and his strength. But here's the question I have. If Jesus Christ sought the Father out daily, not just daily, but continually, for guidance and advice and strength, what makes you think that you don't need to do the same?

Because each and every one of us, we've woken up and we've gone about our days without praying. If we didn't do it today or yesterday, there was a time we did it. And there's a time that we're going to wake up and we're going to be rushed and we're going to be so busy or so it seems, that we're going to just head out and we're not going to take the time to get into the Word to seek God. We're not going to take the time to pray for it. But if Jesus did it now, what on his earth are we doing thinking that we can get by without it?

Everything that Jesus did, he did because either it was righteous or it was an example unto us.

There is nothing that we can do without the power and influence of God, nothing good, unless it's by the Holy Spirit working within us. I love verse 20. What? The father loves the son and shows him everything that he himself is doing. The father loves the son.

And what Christ tells us, we'll read this in a few weeks is that the same love that the Father gave the Son, the Son gives to us with the same love. And he says that the father shows him everything that he himself is doing. There is no secrecy between the Father and the Son. They are in perfect communion with each other and they are working together for the glory of God. But here's something interesting.

Jesus tells us the same thing when he talks to the disciples and he tells them, I call you my friends, right? Not my slaves, my friends, he says, for slaves don't know what their master is doing. But Jesus has revealed to us what he is doing. The same way that the Father has shown the Son what he is doing, the Son has shown us what he is doing. Jesus has revealed to us his plan, his works, what he is doing.

And he has asked us to come alongside Him. I think this chapter was appropriate for today with those stats. We know what God is doing. And Jesus said, What God is doing, that is what I will be doing. And so we know what Jesus is doing.

And we know that Jesus is seeking lost souls. We know that Jesus is seeking those who are sick, who have this sin condition and need Him. So that should be what we are doing as well. We should seek out the lost, just as Jesus did. But verse 20 it says that greater works than these will be shown so that you will be astonished.

Now, Jesus has already healed. He has brought people back from illness, brought people back from the dead. He has healed the paralyzed, the lame, so that they could walk. And he says even greater works than these. And as time goes on, we'll see Jesus heal lepers.

We'll see Jesus give sight to the blind. But there is a miracle, a work that tops them all that we'll see by the time we make it to the end of John, and that is the resurrection of his body, of his physical body, after he is crucified. And then even greater than that will be the miracle of salvation. The offer extended to each of us to profess in the name of Jesus and be saved from the dead.

He says, that great also, that you'll be astonished. And I think it is astonishing that Jesus will save us, that he would save people such as myself, that his grace abounds so much that it can overcome all of the wickedness that I have done.

Verse 21, he says, as the Father raises the dead and makes them alive, thus also the Son makes alive whomever he wishes.

Christ can raise the dead, as we've been talking about. What's interesting is, if Christ could raise the dead and has raised the dead even before his resurrection, isn't that evidence that he is God? Isn't that evidence that not only he is God today, but that he was God then and was God forever?

But, you know, we talked about there are 270 something thousand lost people in Utah. Do you know 70% of those lost people? They claim to follow Christ, but yet they claim that he wasn't God, that he's a created being, and that he attained Godhood the same way they think that we will by living perfectly. But if he attained it later on, how is it that he's raising people from the dead? Who can raise people from the dead?

Only God. And here is Jesus raising people from the dead. He says, just as the Father does it, I can raise whoever I desire.

But as we are talking about the authority of Jesus Christ, we need to pay attention to verses 22 and 23 says the Father does not judge anyone, but he has given all judgment to the Son in order that all people will honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. The One who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. Who does? The father judge.

Let me throw in a twist. When we go to the great White Throne judgment, who will be sitting in the seat of the judge?

This is the twist. The Father will be sitting in the judgment seat.

But if the Father is sitting in the judgment seat, how is it that he doesn't judge anyone but the Son? In Matthew, chapter ten, verse 32 and 33, christ says that if you confess me before your fellow men, I will confess you before the Father. But if you deny me before your fellow men, I also will deny you before the Father, which is above.

Jesus is the Judge, because whomever Jesus confesses to the Father will be declared righteous, and whoever Jesus denies before the Father will be declared guilty will be declared wicked. And so it is not the Father that judges, but it is the Son who determines who belongs to Him and who does not belong to Him. It is the Son who makes that judgment. He is mine and he is not.

And the reason for this is so that he would be honored, so that he would be glorified, as he should be. As you can already see, there's a tendency for people to give lip service to the Father, but not honor the Son. And Jesus says, you can't have it both ways. The father sent me here. The Father sent me here to teach you, to live among you and to die for you.

And if you don't honor the person that the Father sent, then you do not honor the Father.

It is impossible to say we worship God, but we don't worship Christ.

You have to accept them both as we talk about what Jesus can do. He's the Son and he raises people from the dead. I want you to know that all of us need to be raised from the dead, all people, and all people are dead until then. Ephesians, chapter two, verses one and three. It says that although you were dead in your trespass and sins in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the heir, the spirit now working in the sons of Disobedience, among whom also we all formally lived in the desires of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of the mind, and were children of wrath by nature and also the rest of them.

But look at verse one there says, although you were dead, so all people are dead and need to be raised out of that deadness into newness of life. And I say, praise God that Jesus is able to do that. He is able to raise us from that grave, and he is able to raise us again from the grave of the ground to which our bodies will return.

Look at verse 24 with me says truly, truly I say to you that the one who hears My word and who believes, the One who sent Me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. So who passes from death to life and escapes judgment? He says, the one who hears My word.

Paul talks about this in Romans 1014. He says in verse 14, Romans ten, he says, how will they call sorry, not 1417, he says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God.

If we go back to verse 14, it says, how will they call upon whom they have not believed? If you don't believe in Jesus, you certainly cannot call upon Him. But it goes further. How will you believe in Him whom you have not heard? So if we don't go and tell all of those lost people about Jesus Christ, how will they ever believe in Him to be saved or to call upon Him?

And it says, and how will they hear about Him without one who preaches to them? And how will they preach unless they are sent? So Paul is working logically through these in order to be saved, you must call upon Christ. But to call upon Him, you must believe. And to believe you must hear.

And to hear someone must tell you. And for someone to tell you, they must be sent.

And then he says that faith comes by hearing and hearing through the Word about Christ. That 173,000 or 74,303 people in southern Utah who are perishing.

They're perishing because no one has gone and given them the word of God. Now, that doesn't mean if we share the Word with them that they will be saved. They have the option to reject it, but they can't be saved unless someone goes to them and shares to them the message that we carry that we have. We must go out. So Jesus says, the one who hears My Word and believes in the One who sent Me has eternal life.

We've talked about belief. We talked about it a couple of weeks ago when we were in John Three. And we talked about the most famous verse that God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. And we clarify that belief here does not mean believe, exists, or believes that he died or even believes that he resurrected, but trust in Him. Belief in the Bible is not just mental ascent, but it is a full trust without hesitation.

So the one who hears His Word and trusts in Him has eternal life, will not be judged, and passes from death into life. Isn't that backwards? From death into life. The way we see it is that we go from life into death. But the way God sees it is we're already dead in our trespass.

Though our mortal bodies have blood rushing through them, our spirits are dead. The part of us that would live on for eternity, it actually has to come to life. It doesn't start alive. And so rather, instead of going from life to death, we actually go from death, where we were before we met Jesus, into the newness of life.

And look at verses 25 through 29. With me he says, Truly, truly I say to you that an hour is coming, and now is here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and the ones who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, thus also he is granted to the Son to have life in Himself. Thus also I'm reading the same verse again, verse 27. And he has granted Him authority to carry out judgment because he is the Son of man.

Do not be astonished at this, because an hour is coming in which all those in the tombs will hear his voice, and they will come out. Those who have done good things to a resurrection of life, but those who have practiced evil things to a resurrection of judgment. There's a phrase we've now heard several times today truly truly for those reading the KJV, those reading the KJV, it says verily, verily, I realized so verily, verily, truly, truly. Some other versions say, I tell you the truth. I want to point this phrase out for two reasons.

First, anytime you hear that double truly truly or that double verily verily. The author John is telling us to slow down and pay attention to what Christ is about to say. The significance of that double repetition there is that what Christ is about to say is very important in matters of salvation and eternal life. But the second reason I point out this double repetition of truly truly is there are other religious books, especially here in Utah.

I'll throw its name out, The Book of Mormon, that make use of this phrase because it sounds Biblical, right? The author of The Book of Mormon didn't throw it in there because it's God's truth. But he threw it in there because by putting it there it sounds as if it was God speaking and it sounded scriptural. But I have a secret for you. The phrase truly truly or verily verily shows up only in the Book of John.

It is unique to John the Revelator and no one else. So that it sounds biblical might ring true because it's in the Bible, but that it is the normal way of a prophet of God communicating to people is actually the contrary. You will only find it here. And so I just want you to be aware that it is very important when it shows up. But it also only shows up in scripture written by John the Revelator.

So he says that an hour is coming and now is that the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and the ones who hear will live. And I've got great news. We can see that that has happened. It started happening at the time of Christ and it has continued to happen today. And every person who has professed Jesus Christ, they're an example of what Christ said here coming to pass.

For each of us who have professed Christ, we have passed from death and we now are alive. And so the hour today is still coming. And now is just as Jesus said it's coming and is it can be both. It is the same now. There are people today hearing the voice of the Son of God and coming to life.

And then there will be people who will continue from tomorrow and the next day and week and month years to hear the voice of the Son of God. Then it says that as the Father has life in himself, so also does the Son have life in himself. Who can have life in himself? This is an excellent question to demonstrate the deity of God, can any of us have life in ourself? What does that mean?

That means that I can cause myself to live. If my life departed from my body, I could bring it back because I have life in myself. How many of us have life in ourselves? How many of us could have life in ourselves? The Bible says that when God had formed Adam out of.

The dust of the earth, that he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

None of us have life in ourselves, but it is all life that is extended from God to us. And it is God's life to take, to control, to give. But if only God can have life in Himself, what does that say about Jesus who also has life in himself? It tells us that Jesus is God. He is God incarnate.

And then it says that he has granted Him authority to carry out judgment because he is the Son of man.

You know, there is saving message in this right here that God has given Christ the power to judge. That almost sounds condemning when you first hear it. But there's a flip side to it, the fact that Jesus has power to judge. If the Father had the power to judge, then all people would be condemned because the Father absolutely must judge and punish all sin. But the fact that the power to judge has been given to the Son, to Jesus Christ jesus does not have to impart to us our iniquities because he can be an advocate for us and pay that penalty.

So the fact that he has the power to judge also means that he has the power to withhold judgment. He has the power to forgive, to atone for you and for I and for anyone else hearing this message, verse 28 and 29 is where we will finish tonight. He says, do not be astonished at this because the hour is coming in which all those in tombs will hear his voice and they will come out. I want to clarify something here. It says that all people who are in the tombs will hear his voice, not just the righteous, all people are going to resurrect from the grave, righteous and wicked alike.

But it says that those who have done good things will come out to a resurrection of life, eternal life in the presence of God, and to those who have practiced evil things, to a resurrection of judgment. There are two resurrections that will happen and you will either be judged or you will receive eternal life. Let me read you the sinner's resurrection. It's in Revelation chapter 20, verses eleven through 15 says and I saw a great white throne, and the one who was seated on it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled, and a place was not found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small standing before the throne.

And the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and each one was judged according to their deeds and death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

That is the resurrection of the sinner right there on the opposite end. Look at one, thessalonians 413 and 18. With me, Paul writes I don't want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you will not grieve as also the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, thus also God will bring those who have fallen asleep through Jesus together with him. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain until the Lord's coming, will not possibly precede those who have fallen asleep.

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be snatched away at the same time together with them in the crowds for a meeting with the Lord in the air. And thus we will be together with the Lord always. Therefore comfort one another with these words oh, see the contrast between the sinner's resurrection and the Christian's resurrection. The difference between us is very simple.

The sinner will be judged for what he has done, for his deeds, and the Christian will be judged for what God has done.

What did God do? God lived a perfect life here on earth. He fulfilled the law, every little detail of it. And even though he had never sinned, he died upon a cross, a cruel and gruesome death.

And then he rose again the third day, and he took the keys of death and hell.

And he told us that whoever would trust in me would have eternal life. Let me ask you a question tonight as we end this message. Do you want to be judged on what you have done? And I don't know your specific sins, but I can tell you that you are a sinner, that you have violated the word of God. And do you want the judgment that comes with it?

Or do you want to be judged for what Christ has done, the person who himself is God and who has never violated that perfect and holy law, but has lived righteous and is willing to trade that with you for your death. And if you want to be judged based on Christ, it first begins with acknowledging your sin that you are a sinner, that there is something you need to be saved from, and that's yourself. That's your sin. That's the wages of that sin. And it's to believe that Jesus Christ really is God, that Jesus Christ truly came here, that he truly died and truly resurrected.

And it's to truly believe his words when he says, if you would trust in me, you will be mine. And then confess him as your God, your king and your Lord. And if you're ready to do those things, then as we go to our closing prayer, I invite you to acknowledge your sin to God with me, to believe in Him and to confess Him at least to Him. But don't leave out confessing Him to others. Make it known, right.

Christ didn't say if you confess me secretly. Christ said if you confess me before your men. So be ready to confess and make it known who he is. And as a final reminder, final reminder, tonight as we leave, be praying for Southern Utah. That 273,303 people who are perishing.

Pray for each and every one of them. Pray that God will send someone to them. And if God has put it on your heart the way that he has put it on mine, to reach the people of Southern Utah, to share the gospel with them and the newness of life, let's get together. Contact me. Make it a priority to contact me so that we can talk about how we can be partners in advancing the kingdom of God right here in our local area.

Immediately following our prayer, we will be partaking of the Lord's Communion. So I encourage everyone to please stick around for that. And then I'll see everybody else on Wednesday night at 06:30 p.m. For our Daniel chapter five Bible study. Let's pray.

Father, I admit that I am a sinner. I admit, Lord, that I cannot save myself.

But I believe in my heart that Jesus, who is God incarnate, stepped down into earth and that he lived perfectly and that he died for me and that he resurrected. And I trust in Jesus Christ alone for my salvation and my security. And Lord Jesus. Oh, God. Jesus, I confess you.

I confess you now. I ask you into my heart, and I ask you, you said today in your word that you can make alive who you desire. And so I ask you now with that power to make me alive today, that I could glorify you, Father, as we get ready to depart tonight, I pray for all of the lost souls. I pray for everyone who does not have you but needs you. And I pray for all of the Christians who do have you that you would send them out, that you would make clear to them how you want them to serve you so that they can and that you would use each and every one of us to your glory.

That your kingdom would not only grow, but that it would come, and it would come here quickly. And we thank you for this in the blessed and holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.