John 4

john 4

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Good evening, everyone, and welcome back to Church of the Bible. It's a pleasure to be here with you all tonight and to continue our study through the book of John. Today we'll be in John chapter four, specifically verses one through 30. As we get into our service today, some announcements we'll pray for now. And please be praying for travel mercies.

I will be traveling to California tonight. In fact, I should already be on the road by the time we're doing this service. I'm actually recording this Sunday morning before I take off, so let's please be praying for that. And then my mom will be traveling home from Utah back to Alabama, I believe, starting tonight or tomorrow morning. So if we could also be praying for her and her safe travels as well, that would be awesome.

On Wednesday at 630 Mountain time, we will be reading and studying in Daniel chapter two. So we started Daniel last week. We started Daniel before as an entry into revelation. So we'll be doing Daniel right now. And then when we finish Daniel, we're going to jump into the book of revelation.

So I encourage everybody who wants to participate in revelation, please also participate through the book of Daniel study with us chapter two this Wednesday at 06:30 p.m. Mountain time. As far as I know, that is the rest of our announcements. So we're going to get worship going and then I'll see you back here in a couple of minutes for John chapter four. Thank you.

His righteousness he humbled himself and carried the cross.

Love so amazing.

Love so amazing.

Jesus Messiah.

Name above all name rest in redeemer image.

Rescue for sinner.

Jesus Messiah Lord of all his body, the breath, his blood the US broken and poured out all for love. The whole I tremble and the veil was torn.

Love so amazing.

Love so amazing.

Jesus Messiah.

Name above all name rest in redeemer man you end the rescue sinner from heaven.

Jesus Messiah Lord of all I hope is in you all I hope is in you all the glory to you God the light of the world.

Jesus Messiah.

Name above all name blessed redeemer, Emmanuel.

Jesus Messiah Lord of you're the Lord of all the Lord you we cannot win this fight.

Inside our rebel heart we're laying down our weapons now we raise our wide we surrender all the we raise our wide over love.

Here on holy ground you made a way for peace laying your body down you took our rightful place this freedom song is marching on. We raise our eyes, we surrender all to you all for you we raise our wife like the over love has come. Your love that's what safe.

We lift the cross. Lift it high. Lift it high. We lift the cross.

We live the cross. Dead high. We left the cross. Lifted high. Lifted high, we live the cross.

Lifted high. Lifted high. We live the cross it high. We let the cross.

We raise our wife. We surrender to you all.

We raise our white flag. The world is overcome. Your love is one. We raise our. We surrender all the.

We raise our love. Your love has a water. We live the cross.

We live the cross.

The cross.

We live the cross.

Above all power. Above all kings. Above all nature and all created things.

Above all wisdom and all the ways of man.

You were here before the world began.

Above all kingdom. Above all thrones. Above all wonders the world has ever known.

Above all wealth and treasures of the earth.

There's no way to measure what you were crucified and laid behind the stone. You live to die rejected and alone. Like the road trampled on the ground you took fall and thought of me puzled you. Above all wisdom and all the ways of man.

You were here before the world began.

Above all kingdom. Above all thrones. Above all wonders the world has ever known.

Above all wealth and treasures of the earth.

There's no way to measure what you were crucified, laid behind the stone. You live to die rejected and alone. Like a rose trampled on the ground you took home and thought of me.

Above all micro. Trampled on ground you took the fall and thought of me.

Above all.

Amen. While you are turning in your bibles to John chapter four, I realize there is one other announcement we have yet to make, and that is our broadcast. And hardware, as you can tell, has been replaced. It started with when things were failing. Started with the hardware that took care of the scriptures that go up on screen.

And then the hardware that took care of the music was failing and glitching out. And then last week in the morning service, when we were getting ready to do worship upstairs in the living room, it completely went caput and would not work at all. So we got it all replaced. We had already ordered the stuff known that was eventually going to happen, and it just hadn't arrived yet. But it's all replaced.

It works wonderfully. So far, we've not had a single glitch in our testing yesterday and so far in the service today. So I am hoping to continue to use this equipment without glitching. With that said, we should be able to begin now in John chapter four, verses one through 30 is what we are studying. But let us begin by reading verses one through six says now, when Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John.

Although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples, he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. And it was necessary for him to go through Samaria. Now, he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar. Near the piece of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. And Jacob's well was there.

So Jesus, because he had become tired from the journey, simply sat down at the well. It was about the 6th hour. Okay, this opens us up for the entirety of our message today. And the bulk of this chapter all the way. Today we're going to end at chapter 30.

But this passage goes on through 30 up to verses 42. There's only 52 verses in the chapter or, sorry, 54 verses in the chapter. So these six verses set us up. Gives us the foundation for the entirety of the chapter we're about to read this week and next week. And it begins with telling us something about Jesus.

A couple of things. First, he knew that the Pharisees had heard. Now, this doesn't tell us how he knew that they had heard. He could have known because he heard it from someone else. Or the way that I interpret this, as we often see in the book of or in any of the Gospels, when Jesus knew something, he knew it supernaturally.

He knew what they were thinking. He knew what was in their hearts. He knew what they were going to do. He knew that they intended to kill him. And this seems to be more of a supernatural knew that because he is God.

He knew what the Pharisees had known, what they were hearing, what they were thinking. And that divine knowledge prompted him to change his course and what he was doing at the time. But also says that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John. And we need. I can't stop there.

We need the second verse. Although Jesus himself is not baptizing, but his disciples. So, first, the popularity of Jesus is growing right now. And this is important because up until now, Jesus has not been hated. He's actually becoming increasingly popular.

And he will become hated both by the religious elite and the leaders of the Sanhedrin. And then he will also become hated by many of those who call themselves his disciples. Will see that when Jesus feeds the 5000 and he crosses the lake and they follow after him. And he tells them that they are following him only for the food but not for him. And many of them leave him after that.

We'll see later on this week or next week. Sorry, next week or the week after. We'll see in chapter five. So in two weeks, we'll see that Jesus begins to become hated by the religious elite. Because he heals somebody on the Sabbath.

So this is important at this point in the gospel and in the life of Jesus Christ. He is not yet hated, but he is becoming super popular, it says, gaining more disciples than that of John the Baptist. Now, another important thing to notice about this is that Jesus is not baptizing. I find that interesting.

If baptism were a requirement to enter into the kingdom of God, then why isn't Christ preaching baptism when he's GOing around preaching the gospel? Why is he not baptIzing?

He's not baptizing because his concern is with winning hearts to God, winning people to God.

Not all of the works and religious rites and ceremonies, but winning people to God. We're going to see a woman tonight whom Jesus preaches to. And he wins her heart to God. And she leaves him. She departs him, and she goes out into the world and begins sharing the gospel.

And you will never notice that Jesus baptized her or had his disciples baptize her or even preached baptism to her. So Jesus leaves Judea, he departs for Galilee, and he detours through a town called Sychar in Samaria. It needs to be written that he detours. Otherwise everybody would assume that he went the long way. And, yes, I meant the long wAy.

Jews and Samaritans, they did not get along. There is actually fierce hatred from the Jews to the Samaritans. To the extent that they would walk an extra day or two's journey to go all the way around SAmaria to get to where they were going. So that they could avoid coming into contact with the SAmaritan. But Jesus, it says, needed to go through SAmaRia.

It was necessary for him. Again, what does this tell us? Why was it necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria. Rather than go all the way around and skip those towns and those people altogether? And it was necessary because jesus is God.

And jesus knew that a particular woman would be at a particular well at a particular time. He knew it.

I have often repeated what the scriptures say and continue to, and will continue to. Nobody seeks God on their own. The only people who ever seek God, who come to God. Are those who God sought first and drew near unto himself. And this right here is evidence of that.

That there is a woman in a samaritan town called sychar that jesus knew would be there. And he went through Samaria to get there. And even be there before her. About the 6th hour, he comes to the well. He is tired from the journey, and he sits down.

The 6th hour being what we know today as noon, he is there. He's waiting for her. He's also tired. So Jesus, even though he is God, knows what it's like to have a body that gets hungry. To have a body that gets thirsty.

To have a body that gets tired. His body did not receive special treatment. Just because his body contained the spirit of God. But his body went through life exactly the same as ours. Let's look at this conversation between Jesus and the woman with verses seven through 15.

A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me water to drink. For his disciples had gone away into the town so that they could buy food. So the samaritan woman said to him, how do you, being a jew, ask from me water to drink, since I am a samaritan woman, for Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, if you had known the gift of God and who it is who says to you, give me water to drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.

And the woman said to him, sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. From where then do you get this living water? You are not greater than our father Jacob, are you? Who gave us the well and drank from it himself and his sons and his livestock. And Jesus answered and said to her, everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again.

But whoever drinks of this water which I will give him. Will never be thirsty for eternity. But the water which I will give to him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. The woman said to him, sir, give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or come here to draw water.

A few things in there that I find slightly humorous. We'll get there as we read through this. But in verses seven and eight, this samaritan woman who Jesus was waiting for comes to the well to draw water.

Why is she coming to the well now she's alone? You notice there's no other woman at the well. Was the woman's job typically to go and to draw the water. And there's no other woman there. If this doesn't show the divine knowledge of Jesus, what would?

The reason she's there in the heat of the day at noon is because she was an adulterer. And as an adulterer, as someone who had multiple husbands who's even sleeping with someone now who is not her husband, as we'll find out in a minute. The other woman separated themselves from her. She was shunned, she was outcast, and as such, was not permitted to come to the well at the same time as these women. And Jesus knew that.

That's why Jesus went there when he did, was knowing that she would be there in the heat of the day to come and to draw water. And Jesus says to her, could I have some water to drink?

The woman says to him, how do you, being a jew, ask me for drink? You don't have any dealings with the Samaritans. She is surprised. She's shocked because she knows that the Jews hate the Samaritans. However, Jesus does not see her as a samaritan.

Instead, Jesus sees her as a lost soul. Jesus sees her as somebody who needs God. And jesus breaks the social barriers, the socioeconomical barriers, even. And he doesn't care what your race is. He doesn't care what your class is.

He doesn't care if you are rich or if you are poor. Jesus goes beyond socioeconomical boundaries for those who need God.

Church, I encourage you today, whatever is uncomfortable to you, whatever those boundaries are, that mixing with these people or those people is uncomfortable, or these people are so much wealthier than I don't want to talk with them, or those people are so much poorer than I don't want to talk to them. Jesus breaks those boundaries. Jesus says, there's neither male or female, jew or gentile, or rich or poor, bond or free, because all are the same in the eyes of God. So as Jesus broke those boundaries in the flesh, we as what we need to break those socioeconomical boundaries, we need to be willing to go beyond that comfort zone in order to seek those who need God.

Jesus here in verse ten, he introduces a symbol of salvation. He says, if you knew the gift of God and who it is, who I am that says to you, give me water to drink, you would ask me, and I would give you living water, living water, a symbol of salvation, right? In John, chapter ten, verse ten, it says that the thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. Right? Jesus is saying here, I'm not really coming to get water from you.

I'm coming here to give you water to give you life, to give you abundant life, to give you living water. Why is this water living? Because this water causes one to live. This water is the word of God that produces inside of people, life, the water of God that washes and cleanses from sin and renews the soul. And Jesus says, if you knew who I was, if you knew that I was the messiah, if you knew that I was God, you would ask me for the gift that I have and I would give it to you.

What's interesting here is not just the symbolism of the water, but the whole symbolism of the gospel message. If you would only ask, I would give it to you. Jesus doesn't say, if you would only ask me and do this and do that and keep all of these religious ceremonies and rites. But if you would simply ask me for it, I would give it to you. But the woman misses the point.

She says, you have no bucket in the well as deep are you greater than our father Jacob, who himself dug this well and drank from it and his sons and livestock? She missed the point. She thinks that he meant, if you asked me, I would have drawn the water up from the well. And she's looking at this in a literal point of view. And this is interesting.

The reason it's interesting is it proves a point that Jesus had made in another location. When Jesus had said that the flesh cannot understand the things of the spirit.

The flesh cannot. There are so many people who say, well, there's many, many interpretations of the Bible. How are you to say that yours is right versus ours? There's people who interpret scriptures of the Bible to say that polygamy is okay. People who interpret scriptures of the Bible to say that works are required.

People who interpret verses of the Bible to say all sorts of things that are wrong, and it's because they don't understand it. They can't understand it. You could sit there and you could break it down word for word in English and Greek or Hebrew, all the definitions, all the historical context. And Jesus himself could appear before them and explain what he literally meant by it, what he intended for them to receive, and they would not understand it.

Those who are not saved, though they might have the Bible, though they might claim that they believe in the Bible, so as long as it fits their needs, is how they really should say it.

Even Jesus himself explaining it to them, would not cause them to understand it unless they have the spirit of God to interpret it for them. As of this moment, the woman at the well has misunderstood the words of Jesus. Though he is talking about eternal life and the word of God which would wash and renew her. She interprets him to mean that he would draw from the bottom of the well.

It's so humorous. Though, as well, when you look past that, that she's asking God himself, you're not greater than our father, Jacob, are you? Anyone who doesn't see humor in there, we need to work on your sense of humor. She's asking God why he thinks he's greater than Jacob.

Jesus answered her. He says, everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again. Everyone who drinks of the water from Jacob's well will be thirsty. Everyone who goes into their kitchen today and turns on the tap and fills up a cup and drinks that water will be thirsty. And everyone who goes to a river or a fountain or a lake or a stream or to Walmart to get a bottle of water, you will be thirsty again.

That water, it only satisfies our physical needs temporarily, and then we have that need again. But whoever drinks the water which Christ, he says, which I will give to him, will never be thirsty for eternity. Right? We have to look again and recognize that Jesus is not talking in the physical, literal sense. He is going spiritual again.

Every person who is unsaved, their soul is thirsty. In fact, their soul is dead. But their spirit, it's thirsty. It's dry, it's dehydrated. It is longing to be refreshed.

And no amount of drinking water from wells, rivers, or streams is going to cure that thirst. But the water which Jesus Christ gives us, the living water, the word of God that washes and renews and cleanses us, we will never be thirsty again. Why is that? It's because you cannot die a spiritual death after you have been saved by Jesus. Once Jesus has saved you, you come alive, and you will always live.

Though our mortal bodies will perish, our spirit will never die. But it is living. And as it has communion with God, it shall not thirst. It should be fully satisfied, says, for eternity, and it will become in him a well springing up to eternal life. Right.

The water he's talking about is the word of God. And what it does is it satisfies our soul. It washes us, it cleanses us. But the word of God, as you believe in it, it produces in you a spring of eternal life, and it produces in you happiness and joy and peace and love that will never go away. So the woman says to him, sir, give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or come here to draw water.

And you can see that she is still. As Jesus is speaking to her, she's missing the point. She's thinking that this cup of water that jesus will give her will cure physical thirst. And she's missing the point. So Jesus is going to reveal more to her.

In verses 16 through 26, he said to her, go call your husband and come here. And the woman answered and said to him, I do not have a husband. Jesus said to her, you have said rightly, I do not have a husband, for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you have now is not your husband. This he has said truthfully. The woman said to him, sir, I see that you are a prophet.

Our fathers worshipped on this mountain. And you people say that in Jerusalem is a place where it is necessary to worship.

Jesus said to her, believe me, woman, that an hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father. You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know because salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is here, when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth. For indeed, the father seeks such people to be his worshipers.

God is spirit, and the ones who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. The woman said to him, I know that Messiah is coming, the one called Christ. Whenever that one comes, he will proclaim all things to us. Jesus said to her, I the one speaking to you, am he okay? A lot that goes on in these passages.

Jesus says to her, go and call your husband.

Why would Jesus say that if he knew she didn't have a husband?

He said it to prompt the dialogue, go and call your husband. And then she says, I don't have a husband.

She doesn't really want to admit what the case is. She doesn't want to say, well, I'm a mistress. I'm an adulterer. I'm not really married, per se, but I could go get my boyfriend or my partner or whatever you want to call him. She just wants to say, I don't have a husband.

And Jesus wanted her to say that so that he could show her that he knows she needs God when he answers. And he says, you are correct in saying, I do not have a husband. But you have had five, and you are now with someone who is not your husband. He shows her, I know your life. I know who you are.

I know how deep your need is.

Church. Jesus knows each of us. He knows my sins. He knows them intimately for using the scriptures here. He knows how many partners I've had.

Right? Although Shawnee's my only partner at works for the analogy. He knows how many husbands you have had to be interpreted. He knows how many sins you've had. He knows how much pornography you've looked at.

He knows how many partners you've slept with outside of marriage. He knows how many times you've been married. He knows all of those deep, dark, secret thoughts that you have had that you think no one else knows about, and because no one knows about it and he never spoke it, that it doesn't count. He knows all of that, every detail of it, so well that you can't hide it. And because he already knows it, let me tell you something.

The book of Romans tells us in chapter five that Jesus has commended his love toward us in that that while we were yet still sinners, he died for us. So let me repeat and make clear what I'm saying. He knows your every sin intimately, every detail of it, and yet he still died for you, to save you. And so if he already knew all of those sins before he did that for you and you were waiting to go to him because you are ashamed, this woman was ashamed. She didn't want to admit what she had done.

She simply said, I don't have a husband. She didn't want to admit that she's had five, and now she's sleeping around to someone else. So if you are waiting to go to Jesus because you are ashamed and you don't want to admit what you have done to him, stop waiting. Stop procrastinating. He already knew and he still loved you enough to die for you.

And he is simply saying, I'm just waiting for you to come and be forgiven.

Come to me. He says, I already know. The woman says to him, I see that you are a prophet, right? She perceives he's a prophet, not that he's the messiah yet. And she says, our fathers worshiped on this mountain.

And you people say that in Jerusalem is the place to worship. You know, that same thing goes on today. People say, well, you have to go to a church building to worship. You have to go to church on Sunday in order to worship God. No, you don't.

Should you be in church on Sunday? Yes. Does it have to be in a church building with a great big sign out in front of it? No. Does it have to be in a house that we meet in homes?

No. Does it have to be online also? No. But there are some people who are so caught up that has to be in a building with the sign. But here's the thing.

Because of that mentality, they only worship on Sunday in that building with the sign. But what about worship in your car, in your bedroom, with your family, in the kitchen or in the living room? Or when you're in Walmart or wherever you are, there is no set place to worship. And this woman is bringing this into the conversation. Our fathers worshiped here.

We should worship here. But you people say, you got to worship over there.

Jesus says this, the hour is coming. In fact, it already is here. He says, when the true worshipers of God will worship in spirit and truth. For indeed, the father seeks such people to be his worshipers. In other words, the time is here when it doesn't matter if you worship in church or at home or in your car or at Walmart, or camping on a mountaintop, in a plane, in a submarine, in the sea.

It doesn't matter where you worship because God is a spirit. God is everywhere. And you need to worship him in spirit and in truth. And what does he mean by spirit and truth? Obviously, in spirit we need to worship him with our spirits, with our souls.

But in truth is the word of God. I know some people who are so into the truth that they forget the spirit of God exists or that he's active. They forget that member of the Godhead altogether. They believe that he went away and he's not for us today. And they only look at the truth and it's such dry worship.

We call them Baptist. We call them Baptist. And before anyone thinks I'm picking on them, everyone knows that I call myself. If I'm forced to put a denomination on something, I tell them that I lean Baptist and we call those people Baptist. And then there are others who are so spiritual, so free with their worship and open and fluttering around and dwelling their arms, that they forget that the truth of God exists, that the word of God says this is how things are and how they will be or what is or isn't allowed.

They forget that and they're what we call the name it and claim it. Crowd or Pentecostals so into the spirit that the truth of God doesn't matter anymore, but whatever they feel or speak will be.

Jesus says, true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth. I call those people baptisms right in the middle. You're not so far to one extreme or the other that the other doesn't exist. But you worship using both, going back just a little bit because to keep the message flowing smoothly, I skipped apart. Jesus says, you worship what you don't know, but we worship what we do because salvation is from the Jews.

That's important. Salvation is from the Jews. How is it from the Jews? Is it BecAUsE is salvation of the Jews? BecaUsE MoSeS received the commandments and led them through the wilderness for 40 years.

Is it because of David? No. Salvation is from the Jews because Jesus Messiah is the seed of Abraham. Because Jesus MEssiah is the seed of Abraham. Through the davidic line, salvation is from the Jews, and we need to remember that it's from the Jews because that is where Jesus came from.

The woman then says to him, changes the tune. I'm waiting for the messiah, the one that we call Christ. I know he's coming, and when he comes, he will tell us all things.

Jesus said to her, I the one speaking to you. And he so now we get to what she's looking for. She says, I'm waiting for the messiah. The Jews and their prophets have these things. Samaritans have these things.

I know the messiah. He's coming. He will proclaim all things to us. And then he says, I'm the messiah. I'm talking to you right now.

I'm proclaiming all things to know. There's very few people who Jesus directly told that he was the Christ.

In fact, in the book of John, a samaritan woman is the first person that he directly tells. What a special circumstance and time that has to be.

Let's finish this passage for the day with verses 27 through 30. And then immediately after service, I'm going to give everyone three minutes, because remember, this is going to be recorded, and we're going to play back tonight. I'm doing it here in the morning, so I'm going to give three minutes. Right after service, I'm going to go get my communion. Come.

I'll wait for the three minute time to be up, and then I'll start communion. Hopefully three minutes is enough for everyone else, because where it's recorded, I won't be able to ask if you already have it ready. So again, I'll get three minutes right after this service ends where I'm going to go and get communion, and we are going to partake of it together.

So I invite everyone to stay. And at this point, normally I invite people to jump into Zoom during the closing prayer, but that'll come after communion today or the closing slides will come. So at this point, if you're watching anywhere other than Facebook, than Zoom, or at my house, please hop into Zoom if you desire to partake of communion with us. Verses 27 through 30. At this point, his disciples came, and they were astonished that he was speaking with a woman.

However, no one said, what do you seek? Or why are you speaking with her? So the woman left her water jar and went away into the town and said to the people, come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done. Perhaps this one is the Christ. They went out from the town and were coming to him.

So first his disciples are astonished, right? He's speaking to a woman and a Samaritan, but none of them ask why. However, what I want to look at here, the thing that's so important to me in these verses, immediately the woman left and shared the gospel. She's no scholar, she's no expert in Christ, she's not been saved for three years and gone to seminary.

But the moment she encounters Jesus Christ, and her eyes are open and she knows who he is, she gets up and she goes into town, and she tells everyone about Jesus Christ, meaning that you too, the moment that you are saved, the moment you know who Jesus is, you don't need seminary, you don't need to be a scholar, you don't need to be a pastor. You can immediately go and tell people about the guy who saved your life, because the moment you know enough to be saved and are saved, you know enough to tell people how to be saved and who he is. Immediately she went up and did that. And I point to that, because I know a lot of pastors today, in fact, the pastor who I got saved under, I know a lot of pastors who believe that you can't go out and minister to people until you've gone to three years of seminary.

Really? We don't see that in the Bible.

I know a lot of other people say, unless you're a pastor, you can't go out into ministry again. What?

And then I know people who are waiting to go, who are neither pastors nor those who believe you have to go to seminary, but they don't think they know enough. So if you know enough to be saved, if you know who Jesus is, you know enough to go and share the good news. And as of today, anyone who heard this also knows enough to be saved. Jesus said to the woman, if you knew who I was, you would ask me, and I would give you living water, and I would produce in you a well springing up into eternal life. So if you do not yet know Jesus today, that offer is available to everyone.

If you would only be willing to admit that you are a sinner, to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the God man who came here, who lived and died for you, who resurrected and said, if you would confess in me, I would give to you eternal life as a free and precious gift of God. Then I invite you right now, if you're ready to do that, to accept Jesus Christ, to ask him into your heart, to proclaim to him, Jesus, my lord and my God, I confess you as my king. I'll follow you, and I trust in you that true confession right there will save you. So if you're ready, we're going to our closing prayer now. And here in our closing prayer, we're going to admit that we're sinners.

We're going to believe in Jesus and confess him. And the prayer does not, will not, cannot save you. But that honest, sincere confession of Jesus Christ will. And then right after, we're going to go to our communion, let's pray. Father, I admit that I am a sinner.

I admit, Lord, that I cannot save myself, that my ways are depraved and wicked. And not your ways, Father.

But I believe Jesus Christ is the Lord. Messiah is the God man who became flesh, who lived and died and rose again for my sins. And I confess you, Lord Jesus, as my God, Lord and king forever. I'll take my crown off and submit to you. I'll follow you.

And I ask you now to give me this cup of living water and allow it to spring up inside of me into eternal life, your free and precious gift. And I thank you for that. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. I'll be right back in three minutes for communion.

Everyone, welcome back. Let's partake of the Lord's supper, the bread, the day in which Jesus was betrayed.

He took this bread and he broke it, right, symbolizing his broken body. And he told them to eat it in remembrance of his body which was broken for them. Father, we thank you for the body of the lamb, broken, wounded, pierced, tortured. For our transgressions.

And with remembrance of that, with gratitude and love in our hearts, we partake of this bread in his name we pray. Amen.

And after he took the cup and he passed it, and he told him to drink it in remembrance, or it is the new cup, the cup in the New Testament. And his blood. As often as we drink it, we show his death again until he comes. Father, we thank you for the blood of the lamb shed, poured out for the remission of sins, that though they were as crimson, they are now white as snow. And with remembrance and gratitude in our hearts for this cup, we partake of it until he comes again.

In his name we pray. Amen.

Everyone, that concludes today's service as we get this going up here to head out tonight. I want to thank everyone for coming. Want to thank you all. For being patient with me as we canceled last week. And as this week and next week, things are done a little bit differently with the recorded messages.

As everyone knows, I'm heading to California, so please be praying for my safe travels because I am still driving right now as you are listening to this message go out. But I love you all. I thank you for being here. If anyone needs anything while I'm gone, please feel free to give me a call and I will see everyone hopefully this Wednesday at 630 Mountain time. Thank you.
